
26. When an object floats in a fluid, the weight of the fluid displaced by the object is:

a) Greater than the weight of the object

b) Equal to the weight of the object

c) Less than the weight of the object

d) None of the above

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27. The buoyant force acting on an object is always directed:

a) Upwards

b) Downwards

c) Horizontally

d) It depends on the shape of the object

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28. A boat floating in water displaces a certain volume of water. If a person steps onto the boat, it will displace:

a) A greater volume of water

b) A lesser volume of water

c) The same volume of water

d) Cannot be determined without further information

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29. The buoyant force acting on an object submerged in a fluid depends on the:

a) Shape of the object

b) Depth of the fluid

c) Pressure of the fluid

d) All of the above

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30. Two objects of different masses are submerged in the same fluid. The buoyant force acting on each object is:

a) The same for both objects

b) Greater for the object with higher mass

c) Lesser for the object with higher mass

d) Cannot be determined without further information

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