Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

21. The Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPPA) is a bilateral agreement signed between India and foreign countries to promote and protect investments. True or False?

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22. The FDI limit in the multi-brand retail sector in India is currently set at:
a) 26%
b) 49%
c) 74%
d) 100%

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23. Which of the following sectors has witnessed significant FDI inflows due to the “Digital India” initiative?
a) E-commerce
b) Agriculture
c) Healthcare
d) Textiles

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24. The FDI limit in the telecom sector in India is currently set at:
a) 49%
b) 51%
c) 74%
d) 100%

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25. The Foreign Investment Implementation Authority (FIIA) is responsible for granting approval for foreign investments in India. True or False?

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