Foreign Trade, Policy, Balance of Trade, Balance of Payments, and the World Trade Organization (WTO)

61. Which of the following is an example of a trade dispute between countries?
a) Negotiating a free trade agreement
b) Implementing import quotas
c) Setting exchange rates
d) Filing a complaint with the WTO

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62. The concept of “trade in services” includes which of the following sectors?
a) Agriculture and farming
b) Manufacturing and production
c) Banking and finance
d) Import and export of goods

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63. The “Enabling Clause” of the WTO allows developing countries to:
a) Impose higher tariffs on imported goods
b) Receive preferential treatment in trade
c) Establish export subsidies
d) Restrict foreign investment

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64. The concept of “trade balance” refers to the:
a) Difference between exports and imports of goods and services
b) Difference between government revenue and expenditure
c) Difference between foreign assets and liabilities
d) Difference between national income and consumption

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65. Which of the following organizations is responsible for the enforcement of trade rules and dispute settlement mechanisms?
a) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
b) World Trade Organization (WTO)
c) United Nations (UN)
d) World Bank

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