Foreign Trade, Policy, Balance of Trade, Balance of Payments, and the World Trade Organization (WTO)

16. A trade embargo is:
a) A unilateral restriction on imports
b) A ban on all trade with a particular country
c) An agreement to reduce import tariffs
d) A preferential trade agreement

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17. Which of the following is a current account transaction in the balance of payments?
a) Foreign direct investment
b) Import of goods
c) Portfolio investment
d) Repayment of foreign debt

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18. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is a WTO agreement that aims to:
a) Promote agricultural subsidies
b) Facilitate trade in manufactured goods
c) Liberalize trade in services
d) Regulate intellectual property rights

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19. Which of the following is not a criterion for determining the country of origin of a product?
a) The location of the company’s headquarters
b) The place where substantial transformation occurs
c) The percentage of local content in the product
d) The adherence to labor standards

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20. A trade deficit can be financed by:
a) Increasing exports
b) Reducing imports
c) Borrowing from foreign sources
d) Imposing export duties

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