Foreign Trade, Policy, Balance of Trade, Balance of Payments, and the World Trade Organization (WTO)

36. The “Most-Favored-Nation” (MFN) principle of the WTO means that:
a) Countries should prioritize trade with their closest neighbors
b) Developed countries should receive preferential treatment in trade
c) All member countries should be treated equally in trade
d) Trade barriers should be imposed on certain countries

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37. Which of the following is an example of a trade promotion strategy?
a) Imposing import tariffs
b) Providing export incentives
c) Implementing import quotas
d) Restricting foreign direct investment

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38. The balance of payments includes which of the following accounts?
a) Current account, capital account, and financial account
b) Trade account, investment account, and budget account
c) Imports account, exports account, and remittances account
d) Fiscal account, monetary account, and exchange rate account

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39. The concept of “comparative advantage” suggests that countries should specialize in producing goods:
a) That they can produce at the lowest cost
b) That have the highest demand in the global market
c) That are essential for national security
d) That are protected by trade barriers

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40. The Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) prohibits:
a) Import quotas
b) Export subsidies
c) Discriminatory investment practices
d) Dumping in international trade

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