General Properties of Matter

21. The ability of a substance to catch fire and burn is known as:

a) Reactivity

b) Conductivity

c) Solubility

d) Flammability

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22. Which property refers to the ability of a substance to be drawn into thin wires?

a) Malleability

b) Ductility

c) Elasticity

d) Hardness

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23. The property of a substance that allows it to be hammered into thin sheets is known as:

a) Malleability

b) Ductility

c) Elasticity

d) Hardness

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24. The property of a substance that allows it to return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed is called:

a) Malleability

b) Ductility

c) Elasticity

d) Hardness

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25. Which property refers to the resistance of a material to being scratched or indented?

a) Malleability

b) Ductility

c) Elasticity

d) Hardness

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