
Glaciers are large, slow-moving masses of ice that form over many years from accumulated snowfall. They are found in polar and high-altitude regions, and they are formed when more snow falls each year than melts. Over time, the weight of the accumulating snow compresses the layers beneath it into ice. Glaciers can range in size from small, valley glaciers to vast ice sheets, such as those covering Antarctica and Greenland.

Here are some MCQs related to glaciers:

1. What is a glacier?
a) A large lake formed by melting snow
b) A type of rock formation
c) A large mass of ice that flows slowly over land
d) A type of volcanic eruption

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2. What causes glaciers to form?
a) Warm temperatures
b) Heavy rainfall
c) Rapid freezing and thawing
d) Accumulation of snow and ice over time

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3. What is the area at the top of a glacier called?
a) Base
b) Summit
c) Moraine
d) Accumulation zone

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4. What is the area at the bottom of a glacier called?
a) Summit
b) Base
c) Moraine
d) Ablation zone

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5. What is the name for the line where the accumulation zone and ablation zone meet?
a) Snowline
b) Ice line
c) Glacial line
d) Melt line

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