
16. The escape velocity of an object depends on:

a) Its mass

b) The mass of the planet it is escaping from

c) Both its mass and the mass of the planet it is escaping from

d) None of the above

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17. The escape velocity is defined as the minimum velocity required for an object to:

a) Fall freely to the ground

b) Achieve a circular orbit

c) Achieve a parabolic orbit

d) Escape from the gravitational field of a planet

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18. The gravitational force between two objects is greater when their masses are:

a) Small

b) Large

c) Equal

d) Unrelated to their masses

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19. Which of the following is not an example of gravitational force?

a) The Moon orbiting around the Earth

b) A ball falling towards the ground

c) A satellite in geostationary orbit

d) A person swimming in a pool

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20. The force of gravity between two objects is always:

a) Attractive

b) Repulsive

c) Both attractive and repulsive

d) None of the above

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