
26. The gravitational force between two objects is zero when their distance apart is:

a) Zero

b) Infinite

c) Equal to the speed of light

d) Unrelated to their distance apart

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27. The gravitational force between two objects is maximum when their distance apart is:

a) Zero

b) Infinite

c) Equal to the speed of light

d) Unrelated to their distance apart

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28. Which of the following is true about the weight of an object in free fall?

a) It is zero

b) It is negative

c) It is constant

d) It changes continuously

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29. A satellite in a circular orbit around the Earth experiences:

a) No acceleration

b) Constant acceleration

c) Variable acceleration

d) Negative acceleration

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30. The period of revolution of a satellite in a circular orbit depends on:

a) Its mass

b) The mass of the Earth

c) Both its mass and the mass of the Earth

d) None of the above

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