Gupta Empire – Polity, Economy and Numismatics

56. What was the currency system in the Gupta Empire?
a) Barter system
b) Cowrie shells
c) Gold, silver, and copper coins
d) Trade by bartering goods

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57. What was the main factor responsible for the decline of the Gupta Empire?
a) Foreign invasions
b) Internal conflicts
c) Economic instability
d) All of the above

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58. Which Gupta ruler is credited with the conquest of the Shakas, Kushanas, and Pallavas?
a) Chandragupta I
b) Samudragupta
c) Chandragupta II
d) Skandagupta

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59. Who was the Chinese traveler who visited India during the Gupta period?
a) Marco Polo
b) Hiuen Tsang
c) Megasthenes
d) Fa Hien

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60. Which of the following cities was not a major center of trade during the Gupta period?
a) Mathura
b) Pataliputra
c) Ujjain
d) Harappa

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