Gupta Empire – Polity, Economy and Numismatics

21. Which Gupta emperor issued the largest number of gold coins?
A) Chandragupta I
B) Samudragupta
C) Chandragupta II
D) Skandagupta

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22. What was the official language of the Gupta Empire?
A) Sanskrit
B) Prakrit
C) Pali
D) Persian

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23. What was the name of the Gupta coin that became a standard measure of value in India and beyond?
A) Dinara
B) Gadyana
C) Suvarna
D) Karshapana

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24. Who was the famous economist and philosopher who served as the advisor to Chandragupta II?
A) Chanakya
B) Kalidasa
C) Aryabhata
D) Vishnugupta

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25. Which of the following was NOT a source of revenue for the Gupta Empire?
A) Land tax
B) Customs duties
C) Minting of coins
D) Slave trade

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