Gupta Empire – Society, Religion, Literature

56. What was the name of the famous Gupta king who was a great patron of the arts and is often referred to as the “Napoleon of India”?
A) Samudragupta
B) Kumaragupta I
C) Skandagupta
D) Chandragupta II

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57. Which of the following was not a significant contribution of the Gupta period to Indian culture?
A) Advancements in mathematics and science
B) Development of Sanskrit literature
C) Growth of Hinduism
D) Emergence of Islam

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58. What was the name of the famous Gupta poet who wrote the Sanskrit epic “Kumarasambhava”?
A) Kalidasa
B) Amaru
C) Bhartrihari
D) Magha

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59. Which of the following was not a significant social institution during the Gupta period?
A) Caste system
B) Joint family system
C) Dowry system
D) Sati system

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60. Who was the famous Gupta queen who was a great patron of the arts and is known for her beautiful stone inscriptions?
A) Rajyasri
B) Dhruvasvamini
C) Prabhavati Gupta
D) Vishnugupta

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