Gupta Empire – Society, Religion, Literature

101. Which of the following was not a significant center of learning during the Gupta period?
A) Nalanda
B) Taxila
C) Pataliputra
D) Hampi

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102. What was the language of literature during the Gupta period?
A) Sanskrit
B) Prakrit
C) Pali
D) Tamil

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103. Who was the famous Sanskrit playwright of the Gupta period who wrote the play “Mrichchhakatika” (The Little Clay Cart)?
A) Kalidasa
B) Bhasa
C) Sudraka
D) Harsha

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104. Which of the following was not a significant theme of Gupta literature?
A) Epics and mythology
B) Drama and poetry
C) Science and mathematics
D) Prose and essays

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105. What was the significance of the Gupta period in the field of art?
A) It saw the development of new forms of art such as frescoes and murals
B) It saw the revival of ancient Indian art forms such as sculpture and painting
C) It saw the emergence of European art forms such as oil painting and watercolor
D) None of the above

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