Gupta Empire – Society, Religion, Literature

106. Who was the famous astronomer of the Gupta period who wrote the book “Brahma-sphuta-siddhanta”?
A) Aryabhata
B) Varahamihira
C) Brahmagupta
D) Bhaskaracharya

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107. Which of the following was not a significant feature of Gupta society?
A) Education and learning
B) Agriculture and farming
C) Trade and commerce
D) Slavery and forced labor

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108. What was the name of the famous Gupta king who was a patron of the arts and is known for his rock-cut cave temples at Ajanta and Ellora?
A) Samudragupta
B) Kumaragupta I
C) Skandagupta
D) Chandragupta II

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109. Which of the following was not a significant religion during the Gupta period?
A) Hinduism
B) Buddhism
C) Jainism
D) Islam

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110. Which of the following was a significant feature of Gupta education?
A) Emphasis on physical education and sports
B) Emphasis on vocational training and skills development
C) Emphasis on moral and ethical values
D) None of the above

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