Gupta Empire – Society, Religion, Literature

11. Which of the following was the most famous physician from the Gupta period?
a) Aryabhata
b) Brahmagupta
c) Varahamihira
d) Charaka

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12. Who was the famous Gupta emperor who was known as the “Napoleon of India”?
a) Chandragupta I
b) Samudragupta
c) Chandragupta II
d) Skandagupta

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13. Who was the famous queen of the Gupta period who was known for her patronage of the arts?
a) Didda
b) Chandrakanta
c) Nayanika
d) Kumaradevi

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14. Which of the following was not a key development in Gupta period architecture?
a) The creation of the Gupta style of architecture
b) The construction of the rock-cut temples of Ellora
c) The construction of the iron pillar at Delhi
d) The emergence of the Mughal style of architecture

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15. Which of the following was a major form of entertainment during the Gupta period?
a) Horse racing
b) Polo
c) Archery
d) Chess

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