Gupta Empire – Society, Religion, Literature

36. Which of the following was not a famous Gupta temple?
A) Dashavatara temple at Deogarh
B) Vishnu temple at Deogarh
C) Varaha temple at Eran
D) Mahabodhi temple at Bodh Gaya

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37. What was the primary occupation of the people during the Gupta period?
A) Agriculture
B) Trade and commerce
C) Art and architecture
D) Fishing

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38. Which of the following was not a famous Gupta coin?
A) Dinara
B) Dramma
C) Rupaka
D) Pana

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39. Which Gupta king was known for his patronage of art and literature and was a great admirer of Kalidasa?
A) Chandragupta II
B) Samudragupta
C) Skandagupta
D) Kumaragupta I

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40. Who was the famous philosopher who wrote “Yogasutra” during the Gupta period?
A) Patanjali
B) Gautama Buddha
C) Shankaracharya
D) Ramanuja

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