History of Banking

Here are some MCQs on History of Banking

1. When was the first bank established?

a) 1694

b) 1782

c) 1913

d) 1945

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2. The oldest bank in the world is:

a) Bank of America

b) Barclays Bank

c) Citi Bank

d) Monte dei Paschi di Siena Bank

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3. Which bank is credited with issuing the first paper currency?

a) Bank of England

b) Bank of Scotland

c) Royal Bank of Canada

d) First National Bank of the United States

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4. Which country was the first to introduce a central bank?

a) United States

b) China

c) Germany

d) Sweden

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5. The Federal Reserve System was established in:

a) 1863

b) 1913

c) 1933

d) 1947

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