Hydro Electric Projects in World

Hydroelectric projects are projects that generate electricity by harnessing the power of flowing water. This is done by building a dam to create a reservoir of water, which is then released through turbines to generate electricity.

Here are some MCQs on Hydro Electric Projects:

1. The Jinping-I Dam, located in China, harnesses the water of which river?
A) Yangtze
B) Yellow
C) Pearl
D) Mekong

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2. Which European country is home to the Limberg Dam, the largest hydroelectric power station in the Netherlands?
A) Germany
B) Belgium
C) France
D) Netherlands

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3. The Jirau Dam, located in Brazil, harnesses the water of which river?
A) Amazon
B) Tocantins
C) Madeira
D) Araguaia

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4. Which US state is home to the Grand Coulee Dam, one of the largest hydroelectric power stations in the world?
A) Washington
B) Oregon
C) California
D) Montana

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5. The Longtan Dam, located in China, harnesses the water of which river?
A) Yangtze
B) Yellow
C) Mekong
D) Pearl

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