Hydro Electric Projects in World

6. Which African country is home to the Inga Dam, one of the largest hydroelectric power stations in the world?
A) Angola
B) Congo
C) Nigeria
D) Ethiopia

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7. The Xayaburi Dam, located in Laos, harnesses the water of which river?
A) Mekong
B) Irrawaddy
C) Chao Phraya
D) Salween

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8. Which Indian state is home to the Koyna Dam, one of the largest hydroelectric power stations in India?
A) Maharashtra
B) Karnataka
C) Tamil Nadu
D) Kerala

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9. The Yacyretá Dam, located on the border between Argentina and which other country?
A) Chile
B) Paraguay
C) Brazil
D) Uruguay

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10. Which river does the Yarlung Tsangpo Dam, a proposed hydroelectric project in China, plan to harness water from?
A) Yangtze
B) Yellow
C) Mekong
D) Brahmaputra

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