Hydro Electric Projects in World

11. What is the maximum capacity of the Srisailam Dam Hydroelectric Power Station?
A) 750 MW
B) 820 MW
C) 900 MW
D) 990 MW

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12. Which Indian state has the highest installed capacity of hydroelectric power?
A) Himachal Pradesh
B) Uttarakhand
C) Sikkim
D) Arunachal Pradesh

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13. The Tehri Dam Hydroelectric Project is located in which Indian state?
A) Uttarakhand
B) Himachal Pradesh
C) Jammu and Kashmir
D) Arunachal Pradesh

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14. Which river is the source of the hydropower generated by the Bhakra Dam?
A) Yamuna
B) Sutlej
C) Chenab
D) Beas

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15. What is the installed capacity of the Koyna Hydroelectric Project in Maharashtra?
A) 1,500 MW
B) 1,960 MW
C) 2,500 MW
D) 3,000 MW

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