Hydro Electric Projects in World

41. Which river does the Belo Monte Dam, located in Brazil, harness water from?
A) Amazon
B) Tocantins
C) Xingu
D) Madeira

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42. Which hydroelectric project is located on the Sharavathi River in Karnataka?
A) Rihand Dam
B) Idukki Dam
C) Jog Falls Hydroelectric Project
D) Ukai Dam

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43. The Ukai Dam is located on which river?
A) Beas River
B) Tapi River
C) Yamuna River
D) Mahanadi River

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44. Which hydroelectric project is located on the Brahmaputra River in Assam?
A) Karcham Wangtoo Hydroelectric Project
B) Doyang Hydroelectric Project
C) Ranganadi Hydroelectric Project
D) Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project

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45. Which hydroelectric project is located on the Chenab River in Jammu and Kashmir?
A) Salal Hydroelectric Project
B) Tehri Dam
C) Baglihar Dam
D) Srisailam Dam

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