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Q51: What is Article 17?

A: Article 17 of the Indian Constitution prohibits the practice of untouchability in any form, and makes it punishable by law.

Q52: What is Article 21?

A: Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the right to life and personal liberty to all persons in India, subject to reasonable restrictions imposed by law.

Q53: What is Article 24?

A: Article 24 of the Indian Constitution prohibits the employment of children below the age of fourteen years in any factory, mine, or hazardous occupation.

Q54: What is Article 30?

A: Article 30 of the Indian Constitution grants the right to minority communities to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice, without discrimination on the basis of religion, race, caste, or language.

Q55: What is Article 19?

A: Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees six fundamental rights to Indian citizens, namely the right to freedom of speech and expression, the right to assemble peacefully, the right to form associations or unions, the right to move freely throughout the territory of India, the right to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India, and the right to practice any profession or carry on any occupation, trade, or business.

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