Important Biologists

Here are some MCQs on Important Biologists

1. Who formulated the theory of evolution by natural selection?

a) Charles Darwin

b) Gregor Mendel

c) Louis Pasteur

d) James Watson

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2. Who discovered penicillin?

a) Alexander Fleming

b) Louis Pasteur

c) Robert Koch

d) Edward Jenner

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3. Who proposed the cell theory?

a) Theodore Schwann

b) Rudolf Virchow

c) Matthias Schleiden

d) All of the above

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4. Who is known as the father of modern genetics?

a) Gregor Mendel

b) Thomas Hunt Morgan

c) Alfred Russel Wallace

d) Francis Crick

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5. Who discovered the structure of DNA?

a) James Watson

b) Francis Crick

c) Rosalind Franklin

d) Maurice Wilkins

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