Important Biologists

16. Who conducted experiments on pea plants to establish the laws of heredity?

a) Gregor Mendel

b) Charles Darwin

c) Rosalind Franklin

d) James Watson

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17. Who developed the first successful polio vaccine using a weakened live virus?

a) Albert Sabin

b) Jonas Salk

c) Edward Jenner

d) Louis Pasteur

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18. Who discovered the structure of the double helix in DNA?

a) James Watson

b) Francis Crick

c) Rosalind Franklin

d) Maurice Wilkins

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19. Who is known for discovering the cure for malaria?

a) Paul Ehrlich

b) Alexander Fleming

c) Ronald Ross

d) Gerhard Domagk

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20. Who proposed the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells?

a) Lynn Margulis

b) Carl Woese

c) James Watson

d) Francis Crick

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