Important Biologists

31. Who discovered the structure of the lysosome?

a) Christian de Duve

b) Albert Claude

c) George Palade

d) All of the above

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32. Who proposed the modern concept of the gene?

a) Thomas Hunt Morgan

b) Oswald Avery

c) Erwin Chargaff

d) Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty

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33. Who discovered the role of enzymes in catalyzing chemical reactions in the body?

a) Eduard Buchner

b) Louis Pasteur

c) Edward Jenner

d) James Watson

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34. Who discovered the structure of the mitochondrion?

a) Albert Claude

b) George Palade

c) Christian de Duve

d) All of the above

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35. Who discovered the role of antibodies in the immune response?

a) Emil von Behring

b) Louis Pasteur

c) Robert Koch

d) Edward Jenner

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