Important Congress Sessions in India

11. The Indian National Congress adopted the “Swaraj Flag” during the _ Session.
a) Karachi
b) Nagpur
c) Delhi
d) Madras (Chennai)

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12. The Nagpur Session of the Indian National Congress in 1920 is known for the _.
a) Launch of the Non-Cooperation Movement
b) Formation of the Indian National Army (INA)
c) Declaration of Complete Independence (Purna Swaraj)
d) Formation of the All India Muslim League

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13. The “Lucknow Pact” between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League was signed during the _ Session.
a) Lahore
b) Delhi
c) Karachi
d) Nagpur

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14. The “August Offer” was rejected by the Indian National Congress during the _ Session.
a) Bombay (Mumbai)
b) Madras (Chennai)
c) Lahore
d) Karachi

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15. The Karachi Session of the Indian National Congress in 1931 is known for the acceptance of the _.
a) Wavell Plan
b) August Offer
c) Cripps Mission
d) Poorna Swaraj Resolution

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