Important Laws On Environment And Forests

81. The principle of “Conservation Finance” explores innovative ways to finance what kind of conservation efforts?
a) Forest conservation
b) Wildlife conservation
c) Water conservation
d) Air quality improvement

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82. The United Nations Convention on Desertification (UNCCD) addresses the issue of land degradation in which regions?
a) Desert regions
b) Coastal regions
c) Mountain regions
d) Urban regions

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83. The principle of “Sustainable Development” advocates for meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It was popularized by which international report?
a) Brundtland Report
b) Kyoto Protocol
c) Paris Agreement
d) Stern Review

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84. The principle of “Environmental Planning” emphasizes the importance of what in the decision-making process?
a) Long-term vision
b) Short-term gains
c) Political expediency
d) Economic competitiveness

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85. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) regulates the trade of endangered species through the issuance of what kind of permits?
a) Trade permits
b) Hunting permits
c) Import and export permits
d) Exploration permits

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