India and World Bank & IMF

16. The IMF provides financial assistance primarily to which type of countries?
a) Developed countries only
b) Developing countries only
c) Both developed and developing countries
d) Least developed countries only

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17. The IMF’s main source of funding is derived from:
a) Member country contributions
b) Borrowing from capital markets
c) Profits from investments
d) Income from selling IMF publications

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18. The IMF has how many member countries?
a) 80
b) 120
c) 189
d) 213

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19. Which country holds the largest voting share in the IMF?
a) United States
b) China
c) Japan
d) Germany

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20. What is the currency used by the IMF for its financial transactions?
a) US dollar
b) Euro
c) Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
d) British pound

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