Indian Citizenship & Citizenship Laws

81. What is the procedure for applying for an OCI card?
A) The application must be made in person at an Indian embassy or consulate
B) The application can be made online or in person at an Indian embassy or consulate
C) The application must be made in person in India
D) The application can only be made by mail

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82. Can a person holding a PIO card apply for an OCI card?
A) Yes, they can apply for an OCI card but they must surrender their PIO card
B) No, they cannot apply for an OCI card if they already hold a PIO card
C) Yes, they can hold both a PIO card and an OCI card at the same time
D) The rules on this vary depending on the country in which the applicant resides

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83. Can a person holding an OCI card obtain an Indian passport?
A) Yes, they can obtain an Indian passport but they must surrender their foreign passport
B) No, OCI cardholders are not eligible for an Indian passport
C) Yes, they can obtain an Indian passport but they must first renounce their foreign citizenship
D) The rules on this vary depending on the country in which the OCI cardholder resides

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84. Can an OCI cardholder work in India?
A) Yes, they can work in India without a work permit
B) No, OCI cardholders are not allowed to work in India
C) Yes, they can work in India but they must obtain a work permit
D) The rules on this vary depending on the type of work and the duration of stay

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85. What is the process for surrendering an OCI card?
A) The cardholder must submit a written request to the Indian embassy or consulate in their country of residence
B) The cardholder must surrender the card in person at the Indian embassy or consulate in their country of residence
C) The cardholder must surrender the card in person at an Indian government office in India
D) The cardholder is not required to surrender the card, but it will become invalid if they acquire Indian citizenship

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