Indian economy from 600 AD to 1000 AD

96. The “Vijayanagara Empire” in South India was known for its flourishing trade in:
a) Diamonds and gemstones
b) Silk and spices
c) Tea and coffee
d) Timber and timber products

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97. The “Gupta Empire” was known for the minting of gold coins called:
a) Rupiya
b) Karshapana
c) Dinara
d) Tanka

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98. The “Bhakti movement” had a significant impact on the development of which regional languages?
a) Sanskrit and Pali
b) Prakrit and Tamil
c) Persian and Arabic
d) Kannada and Telugu

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99. The “Nalanda University” attracted students and scholars from various countries, including:
a) China and Japan
b) Greece and Rome
c) Egypt and Mesopotamia
d) Persia and Arabia

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100. The “Feudal system” during this period was characterized by the granting of land in exchange for:
a) Military service
b) Religious rituals
c) Artistic skills
d) Tax payments

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