Indian Fundamental Rights

Here are some MCQs on Indian Fundamental Rights

1. Which Article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Equality?
a) Article 14
b) Article 15
c) Article 16
d) Article 17

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2. Which Article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression?
a) Article 14
b) Article 19
c) Article 21
d) Article 25

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3. Which Article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Life and Personal Liberty?
a) Article 14
b) Article 19
c) Article 21
d) Article 25

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4. Which Article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Religion?
a) Article 14
b) Article 19
c) Article 21
d) Article 25

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5. Which Article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Constitutional Remedies?
a) Article 31
b) Article 32
c) Article 33
d) Article 34

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