Indian Nation and States MCQ’S For Competitive Exams

91. Which state is known as the “Land of Red Rivers and Blue Hills”?
a) Manipur
b) Arunachal Pradesh
c) Mizoram
d) Nagaland

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92. Which state in India has the highest literacy rate?
a) Kerala
b) Tamil Nadu
c) Andhra Pradesh
d) Maharashtra

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93. Which state is known as the “Land of Five Rivers”?
a) Punjab
b) Haryana
c) Himachal Pradesh
d) Uttarakhand

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94. Which state in India has the highest per capita income?
a) Maharashtra
b) Gujarat
c) Haryana
d) Goa

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95. Which state is known as the “Land of the Thunder Dragon”?
a) Nepal
b) Bhutan
c) Myanmar
d) Sri Lanka

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