Indian Parliament

56. The Parliament of India is located in which city?
a) New Delhi
b) Mumbai
c) Kolkata
d) Chennai

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57. The Indian Parliament is modeled after which country’s parliamentary system?
a) United Kingdom
b) United States
c) France
d) Germany

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58. The President of India can summon or prorogue which house of Parliament?
a) Lok Sabha
b) Rajya Sabha
c) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
d) None of the above

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59. The term ‘quorum’ in Parliament refers to:
a) The minimum number of members required to be present for valid proceedings
b) The maximum number of members allowed in the Parliament
c) The number of seats reserved for opposition members
d) The number of seats reserved for women members

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60. Who has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha before the completion of its term?
a) President of India
b) Prime Minister of India
c) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
d) Chief Justice of India

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