Indian Parliament

31. The Parliament of India has the power to ratify treaties and international agreements through:
a)Presidential approval
b) Joint sitting of both houses
c) Resolution of the Lok Sabha
d) None of the above

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32. The Parliament of India has the power to initiate amendments to the Constitution through:
a) Bill introduced by a member of Parliament
b) Resolution of the Lok Sabha
c) Executive order of the President
d) Judicial review

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33. The Parliament of India has the power to control public finance through:
a) Budget approval
b) Taxation laws
c) Appropriation bills
d) All of the above

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34. The Parliament of India has the power to declare war and peace through:
a) Resolution of the Rajya Sabha
b) Executive order of the President
c) Joint sitting of both houses
d) None of the above

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35. The Parliament of India has the power to establish and abolish states and Union territories through:
a) Constitutional amendment
b) Presidential notification
c) Resolution of the Rajya Sabha
d) Judicial review

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