Indo-Greek Rulers

56. Which of the following was NOT a major Indo-Greek city?
A) Taxila
B) Pataliputra
C) Sagala
D) Alexandria on the Caucasus

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57. Which of the following Indo-Greek rulers is known for his association with Buddhism?
A) Demetrius II
B) Antimachus I
C) Menander I
D) Strato I

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58. Which of the following was a significant economic activity of the Indo-Greek kingdom?
A) Agriculture
B) Mining
C) Trade
D) All of the above

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59. Who was the Indo-Greek ruler who issued coins with images of the Indian goddess Lakshmi and the Greek god Apollo?
A) Strato II
B) Antialcidas
C) Zoilos III
D) Apollophanes

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60. Which of the following was NOT a major Indo-Greek military achievement?
A) The defeat of the Parthians
B) The conquest of Bactria
C) The establishment of a navy
D) The expansion into the Indian subcontinent

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