Indo-Greek Rulers

131. Which of the following was a significant Indo-Greek center for the production of metalwork?
A) Taxila
B) Bactria
C) Kandahar
D) Peshawar

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132. Who was the Indo-Greek ruler who issued coins with images of the Indian goddess Lakshmi and the Greek god Apollo?
A) Zoilos II
B) Menander II
C) Strato II
D) Apollodotus II

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133. Which of the following was a significant Indo-Greek center for the production of pottery?
A) Taxila
B) Bactria
C) Kandahar
D) Peshawar

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134. Who was the Indo-Greek ruler who issued coins with images of the Indian goddess Lakshmi and the Greek goddess Athena?
A) Apollodotus I
B) Menander II
C) Strato II
D) Zoilos II

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135. Which of the following was a significant Indo-Greek center for the production of sculptures?
A) Taxila
B) Bactria
C) Kandahar
D) Peshawar

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