Indus Valley Civilization

46. What was the probable cause of the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization?
A) Invasion by foreign tribes
B) Environmental factors such as drought and floods
C) Epidemics
D) All of the above

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47. Which of the following was not a major city of the Indus Valley Civilization?
A) Harappa
B) Mohenjo-Daro
C) Lothal
D) Taxila

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48. What was the most common material used in the construction of buildings in the Indus Valley Civilization?
A) Stone
B) Wood
C) Brick
D) Mud

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49. The Indus Valley Civilization was contemporaneous with which of the following civilizations?
A) Mesopotamian
B) Egyptian
C) Chinese
D) All of the above

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50. The Harappan civilization was discovered in which year?
A) 1921
B) 1930
C) 1947
D) 1956

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