Initial days of the British East India Company

11. The English ambassador Thomas Roe was successful in securing a firman (decree) from Emperor Jahangir, granting the British East India Company permission to establish factories in India. In which year was this firman issued?
a) 1605
b) 1612
c) 1639
d) 1658

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12. During the initial years, which Mughal emperor granted the British East India Company the right to trade duty-free in Bengal?
a) Akbar
b) Shah Jahan
c) Aurangzeb
d) Jahangir

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13. Who was the first Englishman to set foot in the Mughal court and establish diplomatic relations with the Mughal emperor?
a) William Hawkins
b) Robert Clive
c) Thomas Roe
d) James Lancaster

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14. The British East India Company faced initial resistance from the Portuguese in India. In which city did the English defeat the Portuguese and establish their factory in 1612?
a) Goa
b) Surat
c) Cochin
d) Hugli

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15. The British East India Company’s factory in Hugli faced an attack in 1632 from which foreign power?
a) Portugal
b) France
c) Netherlands
d) Spain

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