Invasion of Alexander on India

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66. Who among the following was not a part of Alexander’s army during his invasion of India?
A) Seleucus Nicator
B) Ptolemy I Soter
C) Diogenes of Sinope
D) Aristobulus

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67. What was the name of the Indian tribe that resisted Alexander’s invasion of India?
A) Mauryas
B) Guptas
C) Kambojas
D) Sakas

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68. What was the name of the Indian philosopher who met Alexander during his invasion of India?
A) Chanakya
B) Nagarjuna
C) Kalidasa
D) Dandamis

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69. Which of the following rivers did Alexander not cross during his invasion of India?
A) Jhelum
B) Beas
C) Yamuna
D) Brahmaputra

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70. What was the name of the Indian king who gave his daughter to Alexander as a bride?
A) Porus
B) Nanda
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Oxyartes

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