Invasion of Alexander on India

6. What was the name of Alexander’s horse that became famous for its bravery in the Battle of Hydaspes?
A) Bucephalus
B) Pegasus
C) Arion
D) Chetak

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7. What was the name of the fort that Alexander captured after the Battle of Hydaspes?
A) Takshashila
B) Sialkot
C) Multan
D) Attock

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8. What was the name of the river on the banks of which the Battle of Hydaspes was fought?
A) Ganges
B) Indus
C) Yamuna
D) Jhelum

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9. What was the name of the Indian king who surrendered to Alexander without a fight?
A) Porus
B) Ambhi
C) Darius III
D) Taxiles

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10. What was the name of the Indian king who allied with Alexander against Porus?
A) Ambhi
B) Porus
C) Darius III
D) Taxiles

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