11. Which of the following was a major religious center during the Kanva period?
a) Sanchi
b) Ellora
c) Ajanta
d) Khajuraho
12. Who was the famous Kanva king who was known for his patronage of Buddhism and built several stupas?
a) Vasudeva Kanva
b) Bhumimitra
c) Susarman
d) None of the above
13. Which of the following was a major cultural development during the Kanva period?
a) Emergence of classical Sanskrit literature
b) Emergence of regional literature in vernacular languages
c) Emergence of folk literature
d) All of the above
14. Which of the following was a major military conflict during the Kanva period?
a) War with the Greeks
b) War with the Kushans
c) War with the Shungas
d) None of the above
15. Who was the famous philosopher who lived during the Kanva period and wrote the treatise, “Nyaya-sutra”?
a) Gautama
b) Kapila
c) Kanada
d) Jaimini