16. Which of the following was a major economic development during the Kanva period?
a) Introduction of coinage
b) Introduction of paper currency
c) Introduction of the barter system
d) None of the above
17. Which of the following was a major political development during the Kanva period?
a) Emergence of the Mauryan empire
b) Emergence of the Gupta empire
c) Emergence of the Satavahana empire
d) None of the above
18. Who was the famous Kanva king who was known for his patronage of the arts and built several monuments and sculptures?
a) Vasudeva Kanva
b) Bhumimitra
c) Susarman
d) None of the above
19. Which of the following was a major philosophical development during the Kanva period?
a) Emergence of the Nyaya school of philosophy
b) Emergence of the Samkhya school of philosophy
c) Emergence of the Advaita school of philosophy
d) None of the above
20. Which of the following was a major religious development during the Kanva period?
a) Emergence of Jainism
b) Emergence of Buddhism
c) Emergence of Shaivism
d) Emergence of Vaishnavism