Kushana Empire

The Kushana Empire was a powerful empire that ruled over a vast area of Central Asia and northern India from approximately the 1st to the 3rd century CE. The empire was founded by Kujula Kadphises, who united several tribes in the region under his rule.

Here are some MCQs on the Kushana Empire

1. Who was the founder of the Kushana Empire?
A) Kanishka
B) Kadphises I
C) Huvishka
D) Vima Kadphises

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2. What was the capital city of the Kushana Empire?
A) Purushapura (modern-day Peshawar)
B) Mathura
C) Taxila
D) Gandhara

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3. What was the religion followed by the Kushanas?
A) Hinduism
B) Buddhism
C) Jainism
D) Zoroastrianism

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4. Which ruler of the Kushana Empire was responsible for spreading Buddhism in Central Asia?
A) Kanishka
B) Huvishka
C) Vasudeva I
D) Vasishka

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5. The Kushanas were originally from which region?
A) Central Asia
B) South Asia
C) East Asia
D) West Asia

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