Kushana Empire

101. The Kushanas were known for their use of which type of religion in their philosophy?
A) Hinduism
B) Buddhism
C) Jainism
D) All of the above

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102. Which Kushana ruler was known for his construction of the Kushan Gate in Afghanistan?
A) Vasudeva I
B) Vasishka
C) Huvishka
D) Kanishka

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103. The Kushana Empire was known for its use of which type of military unit in its army?
A) Cavalry
B) Infantry
C) Artillery
D) All of the above

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104. Which Kushana ruler was known for his patronage of the Greek philosopher Apollonius of Tyana?
A) Vasudeva I
B) Vasishka
C) Huvishka
D) Kanishka

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105. The Kushanas were known for their use of which type of food in their cuisine?
A) Rice
B) Wheat
C) Barley
D) Millet

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