Later Vedic Economy

6. What was the name of the chief item of trade during the Later Vedic period?
a) Spices
b) Textiles
c) Precious stones
d) Cattle

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7. What was the term used for the professional traders during the Later Vedic period?
a) Sreni
b) Jana
c) Varna
d) Ashrama

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8. What was the name of the organization of artisans during the Later Vedic period?
a) Sreni
b) Jana
c) Varna
d) Ashrama

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9. What was the term used for the agricultural workers during the Later Vedic period?
a) Kshatriyas
b) Vaishyas
c) Shudras
d) Brahmins

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10. What was the term used for the tax collected by the king during the Later Vedic period?
a) Bali
b) Baliya
c) Bhritya
d) Kritaka

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