Later Vedic Literature

26. Who is the author of the Puranas?
a) Vyasa
b) Valmiki
c) Veda Vyasa
d) Unknown

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27. How many Puranas are there?
a) 12
b) 18
c) 24
d) 30

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28. Which of the following is not a part of the Puranas?
a) Ramayana
b) Vishnu Purana
c) Shiva Purana
d) Bhagavata Purana

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29. Which Purana deals with the life of Lord Krishna?
a) Vishnu Purana
b) Shiva Purana
c) Bhagavata Purana
d) None of the above

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30. Which of the following is not a part of the Mahabharata?
a) Bhagavad Gita
b) Ramayana
c) Aranyakaparva
d) Sabhaparva

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