Later Vedic Society

56. Which of the following was not a major occupation in the Later Vedic Age?
A) Agriculture
B) Trade
C) Industry
D) All of the above were major occupations in the Later Vedic Age

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57. Which of the following was a significant feature of the Later Vedic Age economy?
A) The use of coins as currency
B) A barter system
C) The development of banks
D) All of the above

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58. What is the name of the Later Vedic text that contains instructions for forest-dwelling hermits?
A) Brahmanas
B) Aranyakas
C) Samhitas
D) Upanishads

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59. What is the name of the Later Vedic text that provides instructions for domestic ceremonies?
A) Brahmanas
B) Aranyakas
C) Samhitas
D) Upanishads

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60. Which of the following social classes in the Later Vedic Age was responsible for warfare and protecting the kingdom?
A) Brahmins
B) Kshatriyas
C) Vaishyas
D) Sudras

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