Mahajanapada period

Mahajanapada refers to the sixteen great kingdoms or republics that existed in the Indian subcontinent from around the 6th century BCE to the 4th century BCE. The term ‘Mahajanapada’ is derived from the words ‘maha’ meaning great, and ‘janapada’ meaning foothold of a tribe or a country.

Here are some MCQs on Mahajanapada period

1. Which of the following was not a Mahajanapada?
A) Panchala
B) Vajji
C) Kuru
D) Kosala

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2. Which of the following Mahajanapadas was located in present-day Uttar Pradesh?
A) Avanti
B) Vatsa
C) Magadha
D) Gandhara

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3. Which of the following Mahajanapadas was located in present-day Bihar?
A) Avanti
B) Vatsa
C) Magadha
D) Gandhara

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4. Who was the most famous ruler of Magadha?
A) Bimbisara
B) Ajatashatru
C) Chandragupta Maurya
D) Ashoka

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5. Which Mahajanapada was located in present-day Karnataka?
A) Avanti
B) Vatsa
C) Kalinga
D) Chera

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