Mahmud of Ghazni

Here are some MCQs on Mahmud of Ghazni

1. Mahmud of Ghazni was the ruler of the:
a) Ghurid Empire
b) Ghaznavid Empire
c) Khwarazmian Empire
d) Seljuk Empire

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2. Mahmud of Ghazni was born in:
a) Iran
b) Afghanistan
c) India
d) Turkey

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3. Mahmud of Ghazni is best known for his invasions of:
a) Persia
b) Egypt
c) India
d) China

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4. Mahmud of Ghazni launched a series of invasions of India between:
a) 997-1030 CE
b) 1100-1150 CE
c) 1206-1210 CE
d) 1526-1530 CE

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5. Mahmud of Ghazni’s primary motivation for invading India was:
a) Political expansion
b) Religious zeal
c) Economic gain
d) Cultural assimilation

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