Mahmud of Ghazni

46. Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasions of India had a profound impact on the development of:
a) Indo-Islamic architecture
b) Rajput architecture
c) Buddhist architecture
d) Dravidian architecture

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47. Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasions of India marked a significant phase in the history of the:
a) Mughal Empire
b) Rajput Kingdoms
c) Gupta Empire
d) Delhi Sultanate

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48. Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasions of India helped in the spread of:
a) Islamic education and scholarship
b) Hindu philosophy and scriptures
c) Buddhist teachings and practices
d) Sikhism in Central Asia

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49. The cultural and artistic exchange between Mahmud of Ghazni’s empire and India is evident in the:
a) Persian miniature paintings
b) Rajput miniature paintings
c) Mughal miniature paintings
d) Pala dynasty paintings

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50. Mahmud of Ghazni is remembered as a military genius and a:
a) Tyrant
b) Patron of the arts
c) Scholar and philosopher
d) Visionary leader

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